The average GPA differs depending on which level of schooling you are interested in. Sometimes, GPAs are even calculated differently depending on the school level and the types of subjects that are on offer. Here are the average GPAs for high school and college.
Average GPA for High School
For high school, the average GPA in the U.S. is 3.0, or equivalent to B. However, school systems and curriculums are always changing, so there is a high possibility that the average GPA could increase to 3.40. This is because technology and the internet have helped students to gain more knowledge faster over the years. As a result, students are doing everything they can to increase their GPA scores with additional subjects, more projects and homework, and more extracurricular activities.
However, with higher GPA scores, many people expect that ACT and SAT scores would be increasing as well. But this is not the case. In fact, these scores have been slipping, which means that the higher GPA score is due to a smaller number of students getting very high scores while others get average scores. One of the reasons for this is the huge expanse of income possibilities, which young people are looking into as a stable source of income. This includes mostly social media and small businesses that they can start from their homes. As a result, the focus on ACT and SAT scores has dropped.
Average GPA for High School
For college, the average GPA score is 3.11. However, the score varies greatly, depending on the area of study that the students are competing in. For example, math and science degrees usually average lower than the 3.11 score. On the other hand, degrees in education and music tend to be higher. This could be due to the much higher level of competition in STEM degrees.