College is becoming more and more expensive by the year, and sadly this means that fewer people are able to afford the education that they deserve. However, with these tips you could be saving a considerable amount on your education, and hopefully giving you more of an edge in that competitive job market. Consider community colleges: Many people frown upon community college as they don’t believe that they offer the best education. However, did you know that community colleges are now … [Read more...]
Finding Your Dream Job
Many people struggle to find their dream job. But what exactly is a dream job? You may study hard at some profession but once you start working in it you find it’s not what you want to do. While money is a primary factor it’s not always the most important thing. Here are some things to consider when you think about your dream job. Deciding What to Do in Life Finding a job is hard enough but you need to also decide what exactly it is that you want to do in life as a job. There are tons of … [Read more...]
Are Online Classes the Right Choice for You: 4 Questions to Help You Decide
Online classes are becoming more and more popular as colleges learn the value of offering their students a variety of options to make their educational experiences as easy to incorporate into the daily lives as possible. If you are going to college or are thinking of going you’ve probably contemplated the question of “Are online classes for me?†the simple answer is that it just isn’t that simple. Everyone has a different way of learning and therefore would benefit from different styles … [Read more...]
Getting a Great College Education with an Average GPA
You get out of college what you put into it. And one thing that will not mean a hill of beans after you get out of college is your GPA. You don’t see special rings to commemorate a high GPA. You don’t see special parking spots at work for employees who had a high GPA. You will, however continue to hear people talk about their involvement in college. College life offers so much. Some of what you experience in college will never happen again in your life. Some of what you experience in … [Read more...]
Great Tips for Maintaining a High GPA in College
You were able to utilize your experiences in high school and you are ready for college. But as you look ahead and make goals regarding your GPA you’ll need to always keep in mind that you are in a new ball-game now. Things are different. Professors will dictate in ways that you would never have believed. They will teach in ways that you cannot process or comprehend. Topics will challenge and frustrate your mind. People and activities will distract you. You need to realize that as all of these … [Read more...]
How Your Volunteer Activities Can Mean More than Your GPA
So many students stress over their GPA. Grade Point Average is exactly that, an average of the culminations of your grades. It may not reflect a semester when you were just so out of sorts that all of your grades suffered, or the time that your family was going through a crisis and you had a hard time keeping up. Your GPA doesn’t say any of that to anyone. I does say how you handled and dealt with learning as a general rule. But colleges today want to understand who you are, not necessarily … [Read more...]
Does a Perfect GPA Guarantee Success?
Well, Does a perfect GPA guarantee success? Huh? So many universal statements! Perfect is impossible! Guarantees, especially in life, are improbable at best. Some may try for perfection, and that’s not bad. But to aim at something that you are not sure to gain, seems more like a form of personal torture than proper motivation. Success is important and a good GPA, even the best possible GPA (a perfect one) is awesome. But to say, dogmatically, that a “Perfect GPA guarantees Success†would … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Senior Slide
Fresh of the starting block, the rabbit gets way ahead of his adversary. His speed and tenacity is impressive and makes a mockery of the turtle who so slowly applies himself to finishing the course. That’s the same feeling and idea that freshman’s do. This new venture into education begins a new era. They are determined to do their best and to make the most of their educational opportunities. And just as the hare in the story with the turtle, eventually, they realize that this is just like … [Read more...]
How to Choose Your College Major
If you are reading this article then you are probably looking for more information regarding how to choose your college major. If you cannot decide on a major before you begin your first year of college then there is no need to panic as you should remember that many students change their majors numerous times during the course of their college education and in the majority of cases this does not have a negative impact on their life. Find out your interest: You should begin by narrowing your … [Read more...]
How Raising Your GPA Can Put Cash in Your Pocket
Missed class days, waltzing in late with no homework, and just scraping by may still get you a diploma, but how will it affect your career after college? The fact is that college graduates all over the world are out of work. In the current economy, employers want to see more than a piece of paper. They want to know that you are willing to apply yourself at whatever they ask you to do. Read on to see how raising your GPA can put cash in your pocket. The importance of a good GPA starts in high … [Read more...]